Common Roots
Family Dental
Services For
Every Patient
Quality Services for Our
Valued Patients
Contact us today
Contact Common Roots Family Dental for an appointment regarding the most advanced clear aligner system available.
Our highly-trained, compassionate & registered team will do more than just polish your teeth. They remove plaque, tartar buildup, probe your gums for signs of periodontal disease, and much more!

Are you not confident with your smile? Do you have this one tooth that doesn’t quite want to fit in with the rest? Or do you just wish your teeth looked different all together? We’re excited to give you the esthetics you want, without compromising your dental health.

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About Us
We provide family dentistry for all ages from very young children to senior adults.
Services include teeth whitening, Invisalign, general dentistry, and we even accept dental insurance. Our goal is to treat you, your loved ones, friends, and colleagues for a lifetime. We have worked hard to build a strong foundation within the community that is known for delivering quality care and excellent service.
Get Necessary Treatment
We have the most advanced equipment available in dentistry to best serve you. The days of “just in case” dentistry are in the past and we know what you need and only what you need.
